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Friday, July 30, 2021

It's Been Awhile!!

Boy, it seems as if it has been a very long time since I checked in. That usually means that I have been busy and that is just the case this time as well. My brother and sister-in-law, who are finally home from their very long road trip, came down to spend a few days and we had so much to catch up on. And, as usual, they offered some extra muscle on one project and some extra technology on another. It takes a village to raise me! Lol

I also got to spend a lovely afternoon with daughter #3 and her children. We ate at one of our favorite downtown restaurants and then headed back to their house to just visit. And there were visits from daughter #2 and her hubby, an old friend, and even grand daughter #2. There has been much going on in this house and I love it. 

I also did some more dog sitting and then something that hasn't happened in a very long sitting. I got to play a part in a birthday surprise for grand daughter #5. It is a very long story but, grand daughter #2 was giving a rescued kitten to grand daughter #5...but it was a birthday surprise so, the kitten spent the day with me until grand daughter #5 arrived back in town after spending some fun time with my brother and SIL. It was a complete surprise and something she had been wanting for so long. Her family has a dog (and, until recently losing one, they had two large dogs) but, after a feral cat had babies in their yard and she tried desperately to catch them-to no avail-she has done nothing but talk about adding a cat to the family. Mom and Dad finally gave in and I got to be a part of a very touching moment.

When I knew they were mere minutes away, I collected the kitten and put her in her travel crate. I set her on the ottoman right inside the family room door and the litter box and food bowls were on the floor close by. When she got here, I asked her about her week and then asked her if she would like to see the crazy project that I had accomplished in my family room while she was gone. Never really knowing what craziness to expect from her Nana, she quickly opened the door. She saw the stuff on the floor first and was confused but when she saw the crate...and what was inside...she burst out crying. She put her hand over her mouth and looked at me with a "is this really mine?" kind of look and I was then crying as well. My daughter was trying to capture it on video while she was falling apart. And then Dad and one of her brothers showed up and it all began again. 

Needless to say, I don't think there will be anything to top this birthday surprise for a long time!

So now my house is quiet once again and I am catching up on many little things that I have let slide. I figured this would be the perfect time to check in with you and, since this is such a long post already, let's just hit the sunroom and baths. The sunroom doesn't have much at all this year but I am OK with that.

And while we're still thinking of surprises...I got one myself when I heard the doorbell ring. Before I could get there, I saw the UPS truck drive away and this was on my doorstep.

It is always fun to find a box on your doorstep but this one made me extra happy! I wasted no time tearing into it.

And what to my wondering eyes should appear?

The NANA is actually the brightest gold and I just love it so much! It is from grand daughter #2. She said as soon as she saw it, she thought of me and knew she had to get it. I love that they think of me at random lucky am I?

Stay safe and stay tuned.


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