decorating with dodi

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Thursday, June 10, 2021

Summertime...and the Living is Easy

Everyone who reads this blog knows that I am not a fan of summer...I am not a fan of heat. But, the one good thing is that with summer comes less scheduling, no school for the grands and just a lot less exertion expected because of the heat. That kind of gives one "permission" to take life read a book even though there are chores to be leaf through magazines and make "wish lists" even though there are windows that could use a washing. And on and on it goes. For some reason, these days of summer bring back all those memories of movies where the heroine is sitting on the veranda with a fancy fan and sipping lemonade...and not doing anything else that day! This may be the only thing about summer that I like.

And so it was yesterday. With my oldest grandson in Tallahassee at an FSU football camp, his brother out at Camp Kiwanis and my daughter and son-in-law tied up at work, my grand daughter asked if she and her dog could come spend the day with me. I told her I had no exciting plans but that we could wing it and do whatever we wanted. Of course, I did know that if she wanted to whip up a craft or two I had plenty of supplies at hand.

Well, it seems as if she has the same take on summer that I do - not to mention that this is her first week with no school. She was happy to sit and watch some "craft" girl that she enjoys and then follow along with her on a drawing or two.

She also likes some game where she can design rooms for imaginary people...maybe she'll end up a designer like her mom.

In any case, we all had an easy summer day (dog included) and then her mom got done early and surprised us with an early dinner and then stayed to wile away the rest of the day while waiting until later when she could finally go pick up my grandson from his trip. We had the nicest chat with nowhere else to be or nothing else to do. I didn't really accomplish anything although I feel as if I accomplished more than I could ever have imagined. More family memories were made and I sometimes think these are the memories that come back much more often than all of the big, scheduled and planned things that we do.

So today, I am taking a leaf from yesterday's book but managing to squeeze in a few little to-dos along the way. With that in mind, why don't we head to the family room?

This pallet flag I made many years ago as gifts is still a favorite with me. It is getting a little beat up over the years of being pulled and pushed under the stack of other signs but for some reason, I like it even more now. It feels like it has been around a long time and been through much...much like our country that it represents.

I still love this wreath that daughter #3 made me when the grands were still small. These days, we couldn't begin to fit their hands on that wreath!

So this is where the other spindle Uncle Sam ended up...and, I moved the two stars and stripes pots here as well. In the past they have been split up in the kitchen but I like them so much better together. They both have a faux plant...not one of my favorites but I think this large, black hole of shelves needs some green to bring some life to it and there is no way anything live could thrive in that darkness.

And, this is where the other new crafts ended up. I still love the Statue of Liberty...and, I'm still amazed that my technique worked. I might have to remember that for other holiday art.

All of my grand dogs have always been right at home in my house...maybe because they know how much I love animals. Hazel comes to visit quite often and makes herself right at home. As a matter of fact, she must have had her best behavior on when I snapped this picture because she is usually up on that couch. Lol

I'm still loving the pillow cover I did last year. Designer daughter #3 just asked me if it was from Pottery Barn (obviously she doesn't read my blog lol) and that, to me, is an incredibly high compliment. Everyone knows how much I love the Pottery Barn. I would move into their catalog if I could!

So that's it for today. Think it's time to pour a lemonade and grab a book. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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