decorating with dodi

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Monday, November 9, 2020

Staying Busy...and Looking Forward

It looks like we are going to have a bit of a wet week coming up. I am not complaining because my lawn and gardens are always so much happier after a nice rain but, it does kind of limit my activities. Now I'm not saying that I don't have a long list of inside things to get done but, for me, when it is gloomy outside, I just don't want to think about anything that involves indoor cleaning or decor. Nothing looks bright and crisp...or even clean after you have just finished. And so, I usually give myself these days to catch up on movies and TV. But, I always enjoy that more in the afternoon and so, this morning I found myself faced with the question of "what to do?".

Since I had some canned pumpkin in the pantry, I pulled out a new recipe for a streusel pumpkin bread that I had come across and decided to give it a go.

It was super easy to make and it actually turned out delicious so I will be filing this one away for another time. Of course, once I saw that picture on the pumpkin can, I knew I would be using it for something else. I normally buy Libbey pumpkin but, at the beginning of the season it was nowhere to be found so I bought this as a safety measure because I am always making something "pumpkin" during the season. The can is too cute to just recycle.

I went around the house and kind of stole borrowed things from here and there...

...and, voila, I came up with a cute little arrangement. It may not look like it would have if I had a chance to buy items just intended for this, but it is cute enough. It has ended up in the kitchen where it is right at home...but where I forgot to get a picture. Sorry

And with that all done and no other autumn ideas in sight, I have moved on to Christmas. I started going over last year's pictures and I remembered that the fresh pine clippings were almost impossible to come by because the stores were trimming up their trees before sending them out. Of course, we have no idea what this year will bring but I thought I had better come up with a "plan B" just in case so I am making a list of some greenery stand-ins I should buy. It actually looks like my brain may have been ahead of my plans because these are a few of the things I have already grabbed just because I liked them. And, because I know I have that new, large piece of furniture in the family room that takes a lot of "stuff" to fill those shelves. I'm not really sure where I'm going with any of this but I know I can never have too much greenery and I love the little trees.

The snowman is one of the ornaments that I made and I'm playing around with putting them on top of some old silver pieces...we'll see. I also bought that jewelry piece from HL once it went to 50% off. I saw it when it first came in and loved the vintage Santa image. I have absolutely no idea how it will end up but I'll let you know as soon as I do.

Sounds like the rain is still here so I'm off to make some more lists. I'll be back soon. Stay safe and stay tuned.



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