decorating with dodi

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Thursday, February 8, 2018

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...

...Valentine's Day!!! The dining room table is filling up so that must mean it is almost time for the grand kids' Valentine weekend. I like to gather up everything that I can so I am ready when the kids get here. And, I always try to over plan because one can never be sure exactly how long a project may take and you know what they say about "idle hands". Lol

The kids are going to get here a little later than usual as they all have other commitments that morning. But, I know it gets harder and harder to get them all together as they get older and they join sport teams, clubs, etc. so I will take what I can get. That being said, I do think we may go a bit lighter on the "heart shaped" food this year so we still have time for our crafts and games. I'm still trying to figure out when we'll fit all of our baking in, but we'll do as much as we can!

I always like to do goodie bags as well. I have fun shopping for all sorts of fun things.

I think my favorite this year is that chocolate covered Rice Krispie treat that I found at Fresh Market. Their mom probably isn't going to be thrilled with all of that sugar but, after all, it is a holiday and I am a grand mother!

Lots of photos coming soon if they will sit still long enough! Stay tuned.

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