decorating with dodi

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Friday, September 19, 2014

I'm Sooo Predictable!

When you were last here, I was filling you in on my perils of GR Halloween wreath making. There was not enough feather boa to go around for my liking AND, using the small skeleton would just not have been an accurate knock-off for me. And so, you guessed it:

While hubby and I were out of town, we made a few extra stops and I now have enough bones and boas to make this thing work. Plus, I found the scalloped edge chalkboard plaque that is very close to the sign on the original, so the plans are to paint it purple and write my message.

Of course, with me, there is always a story and I wouldn't want to disappoint. This year's bag o' bones is a different color than last year's and I like certain bones from each bag the best. They were different enough that I knew I needed to do something to make it better so I have been dry brushing and scrubbing different colors of paint onto the bones in the hopes that in the end they will all look alike - we shall see. I really thought I would be done by now, but time goes slowly watching paint dry!

We had a wonderful visit with daughter #2, our son-in-law and one of our grand daughters - always nice to visit for "no reason". As we were on our way home this morning, we made a few stops in places we don't have here and look at this beauty just calling my name!

We found it at Fresh Market just begging to come home with us. I just love all of the heirloom varieties of pumpkins available these days!

And then, remember the "corny" riddles your kids were always asking? How about this one? When is the dollar store not the dollar store....when it is the $50 store - hahaha. I am really not a fan of the dollar stores but there are some things that I do consistently seem to go there for. The other day I was on a quest for something for a Halloween craft and even though I didn't find that, I ended up spending $50 between two different stores. I'm not sure what happened, but before I knew it, things were flying right off the shelves and into my cart!

A few of these things were from WalMart and JoAnns as well. Figured I might as well grab things as I see them because there is one thing I know for sure...Halloween is on its way and we will be partying here! The wreath will definitely be done by the next post so stay tuned.

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