decorating with dodi

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

I guess "lightening must have struck"! I played around and played around with my computer and new printer and just by accident, I discovered that if I turn the printer off and then back on, I could get the CD card to read. So, I can now at least download new pictures and get them into their files. I still can't use my old, comfy photo program but I can work with them on Picasa. I know a lot of people who love Picasa-I just don't happen to be one of them. But, for today...

I was a little sad this year when I realized that for the first time ever, I did not have a Mother's Day gift to buy. I always loved shopping for my mom. She was easy to shop for because she loved everything but she especially loved to dress nicely. She loved silk blouses, pretty sweaters, nice jewelry, soft nighties, etc. I guess you could say she was a "girly girl"-even at 91! She had a good life but she raised my brother and me by herself so we always came first. Once we were grown, we enjoyed spoiling her a bit. I loved buying her name brand clothes that she would never buy for herself. And every time someone complimented her on an outfit I had given her, she would call me and tell me what they said and thank me again. I still find myself checking out the petite areas in the stores and making note of what she would like.

And so, I decided to make a little something for my girls so I could stay in the spirit. I knew it couldn't "be much" or I would be chastised for spending too much. And then I went back to my trusty friend, Pinterest. I remember seeing something from a blog that I had pinned. A quick trip to Lowes and I was pulling out my trusty chop saw and having a ball-I'm always happiest when I am in the middle of a project and have saw dust in my hair and paint and stain under my nails!

And, before you knew it, this mess had gone to this...

And, I really feel that way. I not only love my girls, I like them. We have fun together. I only wish they all lived as close as daughter #3!

So for my three daughters who have grown in  to amazing mothers and all of the other moms reading this, I hope everyone has a day feeling as loved as I do-and just a bit sentimental today as well. Off to find new projects soon. Stay tuned.

Mother's Day 2012
We love you Mom and we miss you!

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