decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

When PB No Longer Means Peanut Butter!

As I last posted, my husband and I have been off in Tampa for 3 days. He sits in a "new tax laws" class all day and I shop! This year we did go down early on Sunday so we could spend the day together at Wiregrass. I think he loves that place as much as I do and we spent the afternoon eating a long, leisurely lunch (with appetizers and wine) while we sat on the outdoor patio and watched everyone ice skating. The weather was perfect and the decorations at this place are beautiful-always gets me right into the Christmas spirit.

And, of course, no visit is complete without at least a few swings though my favorite Pottery Barn-PB. The beautiful Joy pillows on both ends of the couch were a Christmas splurge and match nicely with the wreath pillow cover from last year. These are not inexpensive but they are well made covers that I can just slip on and off every year and don't require nearly as much storage space as they would if they were pillows. I love them and am going to try to buy - or make- only holiday covers from now on.

  The day before we left, Hudson had his "Polar Express" birthday party. I did not do a very good job with picture taking because I was busy before it started helping set up and once the guests started arriving, it got hectic! Lost count of how many kids and parents were there-just know it was busy and fun-too much fun to try to pull Hud aside for any posed pictures and the rest are random but the porch served as the train station where the kids got their ticket invitations punched and the screened porch was the North Pole. It looked really good covered in "snow" with a beautiful tree in the corner but, sorry, no pictures to prove it.

Here is the birthday boy - in his pajamas- blowing out his "snowball" cupcake.....

and here he is as one of the "snowmen" from the "dress your snowman" game. That is the director of his pre-school having "way too much fun" wrapping him up so he can't wiggle! Both the kids and the parents enjoyed this game. There was also a proper train lunch, ornament making and hot chocolate bar. Fun was had by all!

And now, I am home for today trying to catch up on so many things things before I head out tomorrow. The next few days promise to be busy with more Christmas shopping, babysitting, a Christmas party and a "Nutcracker Tea" and lunch (with Jen and Presley). I love all of these fun things and will squeeze in the rest of my decorating, baking, etc. when time permits.

Hubby and I are also hoping to get in a day trip to Mt. Dora with lunch at the tearoom and shopping and antiquing too so we will see how it goes.

Any way, this is our dining room this year-a few changes from last year but not many.


Really wanted to take you into the family room today but, since our tree went totally dark the night before we left, I have had to spend a good bit of today re-doing lights. I am happy to report that I think the new 3 outlet extension cord must have shorted out but all of the new light sets are fine so after a good bit of untangling, un-stringing and re-stringing, I now have a lit tree once again and will soon start to hang my oh so many ornaments. You will be the first to see the finished product. Stay tuned!

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