We'll start in the living room. Most things are pretty self explanatory and lots are the same as last year. My plan had been to swap things up a bit this year, but life happened too fast and since I wanted everything done before the kiddos got here, I went with tried and true. Of course, there are a few new things slipped in here and there as I can't ever seem to totally edit myself where Halloween is concerned!
I did these sconces a little differently this year. I bought the ravens at HL when they first came out because I remembered how quickly they sold out last year. Then, I gathered up some of my headstones from the $ Tree. I like the way it looks and the LR has kind of become the Poe/raven room.
I did my Poe vignette once again. I did add the skull hand and candle and the Bethany Lowe vintage garland, but the rest is pretty much the same. Still on the hunt for a CHEAP, old typewriter. Think it would be fabulous!
I have discovered that I either have too many windows or too many mirrors as taking a good picture in my house without flashback or glare from something is nearly impossible! Please know that most of this stuff really does look better in person-if you're in the area, drop by and see for yourself.
The pumpkin heads got relegated to the top of the armoire. I actually like them up there all bunched together.
Yes, this provides many a "wise crack" from my three sons-in-law but I know it is always said in a loving way so I forgive them. And the first time it isn't, I will use one of my many spells to get them back-ha-ha!
(Look closely and you'll see the MS birds in the windows.)
And here is my new love! This is the chandelier that Morgan, Olivia and Presley made for me. I added candles and ravens and I absolutely love it!!!! It stops me dead in my tracks every time I enter this room. I had the old chandelier from a long ago dining room transformation. I cut out all of the electrical and used it for some time hanging with candles over a table out by the pool. When the tree that it hung from had to come down, I just had it out there as a sort of prop. All I had to do was spray paint it black and have the girls ties on strips of gauze. I think it makes the room!
That is about it for the big things in this room. I used my MS bird silhouettes on the windows and the mice along the base boards. I have also added a few more strings of lights since these pictures were taken. I'm one of those people who will light every light and candle if I am home-even in the daylight. I just love the feel of it and I figure if I can't enjoy all of this myself, what's the point!
Lots more to show you. I think I'll even try to show you the outside and guest bath this year if I can get any pictures without me looking back at you in the mirrors. Stay tuned. It should be an adventure!
I assume you picked the cursive font in your Post Titles because it looks EXACTLY like your own cursive handwriting?!