decorating with dodi

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

"My Life"

I love my life. I like to think it is what "keeps me young"...or will make me really old before my time! You see, I have 3 daughters - none of whom live in the same city as I. Actually, no one else in my family lives in the same city as my husband and I. That means I am on the road a lot! As I am getting older, the trips are getting harder but I recently had cataracts removed from both eyes, so I am hoping that will help a bit. The last year or so has been really hard as darkness, headlights, merging traffic, rain, etc., etc. were all making my life difficult and being able to see is kind of a prerequisite to driving.

In any case, I have learned to find back roads and drive a little slower and I try to keep up my routine as best I can. Hence, last week's busyness. As I previously posted, daughter #3 and family were here. I had to take a quick trip up to Gainesville for my weekly visits with my mom and that just happened to coincide with the induction of grand daughter #3 to the National Junior Honor Society. I am so proud of all of my grandchildren. Don't have enough room to list all of their accomplishments but the one I am most proud of is that they are all really good kids. And I mean deep down where it counts. They may live in the day of back talk and eye rolling (the oldest 4 ARE girls), but when you sit and talk to them, they "have their heads on straight". They are all fairly privileged and have what some may consider more than their share of niceties, but that has never been what drives them. They really care about others and their place in the world. They are people I am not only proud to call grandchildren, but friends. In any case, I love my life and all of the places I find myself and the silly things I might find myself doing!

As I previously posted,we squeezed in a birthday celebration for Harrison. He recently turned 6 and due to my eye surgeries, we weren't able to be there with him on his "real day". He is a Legos junky! He loves the things and is amazing with them! I gave him a set for 8-14 and he did a great job of figuring them out. I on the other hand, COULD NOT put together one of the sets for younger kids - with the instructions right in front of me! It took all I had not to pitch the thing through the window! I wanted to prove "we old folks" could do this, so I encouraged my husband to help. Yep, you guessed it. The 2 of us together couldn't do it either. I like to think that I am too artistic and imaginative for such mundane, directed things but I know deep down that my brain just doesn't work as well as it used to and that darn thing got the better of us! But, I digress!!!

All of that to justify why we made a Legos cake. I wanted to go the easy route as I knew the boys just wanted to dive into the decorating, so I succumbed to Sara Lee pound cakes, canned (yuck) icing and marshmallows. Just some basic cuts and we were off.

Harrison chose his favorite 4 colors and the rest was easy. Simply spread over cakes and add marshmallows at strategic places.

Some of us got into it more than others but since I knew we were the only ones who would sample this marvel, I figured it would be fine!

The weather was so gorgeous that the kids swam all day. We decided to eat outside and after a wonderful Chinese feast (Har's choice and fine with me as I didn't have to cook), the "beauty was unveiled! The kids loved it and the Dads looked on in amazement. Think we could have a side business in our future? I can see it now...Dorine and Grandsons - Cake Decorators Extraordinaire!!!

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