decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 Wow! Twice in one day. I am in desperate need of a break so I thought I would share what has been happening just since we last "spoke". I managed to get the pie safe into the sunroom and out the back door. I used the "slider" thingies that go under the feet of the cabinet and work pretty well except that you do have to push down pretty hard to make sure the legs of the cabinet stay on the sliders or, before you know it, they are off and you are scratching your floor...ask me how I know. Lol Getting it out the door was a bit tricky because there was really nowhere to grab it to just lift it-although I'm not sure I could do that any more these days anyhow. In any case, I got it out there and set up and I quickly realized that using the sander was going to go much more quickly but it still wouldn't be the complete answer. There are lots of places that the sander doesn't fit. And, of course, there was no need to worry about the skies opening because there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was reading 82 degrees out there with the sun beating on my head.

In any case, I got a bit of the one side and front done before stopping for some lunch.

After lunch I was in some shade so that helped a lot and this is where I am right now.

You can definitely tell that I'm moving forward. I still have the whole other side to do with the sander and then all of the rest of the detail by hand but, honestly, as much as I want to keep going, my shoulders are not going along with me. Lol And so, I think I will pull it in for the night and see if I can lift my arms tomorrow and maybe get a bit more done. If not, maybe when the crew comes for my birthday I can finagle one of them to help me out.

My initial goal had not been to take it down this far but when I didn't, the paint left on it looked like animal stripes and that wasn't my goal at all. I think it's pretty obvious now that I will need to put some kind of finish on this but I don't want to just do it in pine or walnut like the armoire in that room. I have some inspiration pictures from my designer daughter that looks like maybe a black-wash over wood tone so we shall see. That step may take awhile because if I do that here, I will need to do the same to the armoire-if you give a mouse a cookie.....

At least I was surrounded by beautiful fragrance while I was out there. This is just one of a yard full of tea olives-this one was literally a foot away from me. I probably have 20 or so in my backyard yet the scent is noticed all of the way out by my mailbox in the front! The scent of the tea olives is right up there with gardenias for me!

And, since I was talking so much about "green" this morning, this is between sandings.

"What in the world is she doing now" you might well ask-and you would be justified. Lol I was trying to decide how I could bring my mom's bone china with the "Irish" themes back out and I think they might look best in a vignette full of just lots of green-at many levels-and natural things. Most of the ones I saw that I liked used books bound in green. Of course, I don't have any of those. But, I do have lots of books that we got from book clubs all basically bound in the same black cardboard. I decided to see if I couldn't "greenwash" them to come up with a fair resemblance. I just watered down some green paint and brushed it on the book covers and then wiped it quickly back off. I'm trying not to have them look like books just painted green. Now that they're dry, I'm starting to play around with a dark green ink pad and a black one as well. I'm starting to get some results I like so we shall see. In any case, they won't be the main focus of the vignette so I think they will work. Maybe I will even bring some of her crocheted doilies back out. Stay tuned...and stay safe. P.S. Did you notice how I chose the books from the "McNally" series? I thought they sounded kind of Irish. LOL Honestly, they might just end up back on the book shelves but at least they gave me a break from the dreaded sander for a bit!

For Whatever Reason?!

 Maybe it's the fact that I am not a huge fan of red. Maybe it's because I am getting tired of the heart decor. Maybe it's because green is my favorite color. Maybe it's because I am 50% Irish. Maybe it's a little bit of all of that but I found myself almost giddy with happiness yesterday. Now remember, it doesn't take a lot to make me happy these days. I love my house and doing anything in or around my house to keep things fresh or updated makes my day...sometimes even my week. Lol

In any case, I told you I would be heading to HL as soon as I saw that St. Pat's went on sale...and that was yesterday! And, that's where I was. I will say, I think they have out more for this holiday this year than they have in the past and I couldn't stop slowly walking the aisles over and over to make sure I wasn't missing anything.

My main goal was the shamrock bouquet that I had seen a few weeks ago-check! It's so pretty and just speaks to me-still no idea where it will end up but it will be fun trying to find the perfect spot. Then, I was looking for some small vintage things for something you will see in a minute-no luck there. But, I did find some other things and they flew into my cart before anyone else could grab them. Lol I know it is silly to be so excited over a holiday that hardly anyone even acknowledges these days but, I am! Here's my haul minus a few generic crafting supplies.

As you can see, I grabbed a few more tulip bundles because they had put out a few more. One of those is pink and the other two are white-both colors that will be used for the next few decor swaps as well as now for Valentine's Day. I have already incorporated them into existing bouquets.

Then, I have never seen the plastic sandwich plates and yes, I like to eat off of "matching plates" for each holiday and I even though I have glass plates for St. Pat's, I like a quick plastic plate for lunch.

Then, I grabbed the only two frames that would work at $Tree. They're not my favorite but will work for my needs. 

This is the first year they have carried St. Pat's pip berries that I can recall. I will definitely be working some curlicues into already made things after I get them out and also have enough for any new project that I come up with. And, I grabbed three of the pip berry/shamrock picks. Not sure where they will end up but I'm looking forward to finding a place for them soon.

The lavender and greenery are just some picks from $Tree. They're not great but will work for filler on small projects.

And so, after all of that excitement, I got back to the peat pots and watercolors. For the paintings, I simply painted the frames green and then distressed them up with a black ink pad. For whatever reason, I think the frame needed that bit of black to compliment the black in the design.

Then I went back to the peat pots. Initially I was going to glitter up the edges of everything-the pots, the small images I printed and the edges of the wood shamrocks. But, I changed my mind on that and just went simple. I can always add that if I change my mind and want some glitz. Since HL didn't have anything else I could add, I kind of had to go with my little postcard, the wood shamrocks from my stash and a pot of gold also from my stash. I will say, this isn't how my plan started out but, until I actually get everything up in the shelves and see what I have going, this is where it will stay.

As I was cleaning up I brought all of the finished things into my office and next to where I sit to use my computer. I like to keep things I've made here because they keep me excited for the next decor switch. When I looked over last night I had to chuckle because I felt like I was playing that old children's' game "one of these things doesn't belong here". Lol Can you find it? Lol

The star is now safely stored away unit June and I am surrounded by a sea of green and soooo ready to get the next decor switch going!

I am still looking for new St. Pat's ideas but, as I said, not many bloggers address this holiday-they are already on to Easter. Fingers crossed something new will pop up and I will be in my happy place again-the sunroom with the table full of craft supplies. Until then, I'm off to maybe start sanding-if the skies don't look like they are going to open because this is definitely an outdoor project! You'll be the first to know. My brother and sister-in-law are coming on Friday and we have two lacrosse games, a race for my brother on Saturday morning, some small chores around my house that need a few extra hands and then a little celebration for my SIL's birthday. Should be a fun weekend! Stay safe and stay tuned.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Lazy Day

 It's kind of gloomy and very humid out there today so, instead of doing what I planned, I looked for something easy and "mindless". I remembered a video I had seen of a lady doing a shamrock watercolor. Now, I have shouted from the rooftops many, many times before that although I love all crafts, a painter I am NOT! But, I have had a bit of success with watercolor when you just kind of "throw down" color onto wet paper. That being said, I really don't understand the intricacies of watercolor-and there are a lot. Well, let me rephrase that, I understand them I just don't have the patience for them. There is a lot of layering and then waiting in between steps before you get to anything that might even resemble what you are going for. And, we all know that that isn't how I roll. Lol

In any case, I didn't have anything to lose except a piece of paper. I also don't have the "real" watercolor paints in tubes. Maybe I would be more successful if I had them but my little kindergarten set of paints will just have to do.

I knew I probably couldn't come close to the inspiration but I got going anyhow. And, when I got here I was ready to throw in the towel because I didn't see any saving it. It seriously looked NOTHING like the inspiration.

But then remembering that things could always be saved with a little zhushing, I pulled out my Sharpie extra thin marker and, again remembering what the lady in the video had said about holding the pen way up high so that it wiggled and the lines weren't perfect-I did GOOD with that-lol-I just started outlining the "blobs" and was surprised when I got done and I liked it. I don't love it, but, put in a cute little frame it might find a home somewhere in my St. Pat's decor.

And then I decided to try another using my own method...that didn't quite work out the way I planned but I got through and, once again, I'm OK with it. I'm trying to think ahead to having two things the same to go on either side of the new shelf in the living room and these might work. I think they might compliment each other if they're in the same kind of frame.

I see where HL will put their St. Pat's stuff on sale starting tomorrow so you know where you will find me. I'll be getting that shamrock bouquet picture that I loved and maybe I can find a few other little things to go with these frames on the shelf. I'm off to cut up some more veggies for roasting but I'll be back to show you any treasures I find tomorrow. And then I think I will finally get going on the pie safe project that has been in the wings for awhile. My sander is up and running so we'll see how it goes. Stay safe and stay tuned.

Soooo-before I could proof read and publish this blog, my mind went to what I had said about using the frames on the shelf and I knew I would need something else beside just a frame in each area and I thought about the peat pots just sitting there waiting for inspiration and then, this happened. You'll be the first to know where it ends up. Lol

Saturday, February 1, 2025

That's a Wrap!

Happy February! Hard to believe that we are already into month two of this year but here it is. Thought I would finish up our Valentine tour because, honestly, my mind is already heading to St. Patrick's Day and Easter-thank goodness Easter is late this year so there will be plenty of time to enjoy both decors for a bit and not have to fly through the decor like I did last year.

Let's catch the family room today.

This image still gets so many pins on Pinterest. Definitely one of the favorite gifts that my grands and I made for family...many years ago.

Before I head off I wanted to show you my gift to myself this week. My husband always brought me flowers-for every reason (birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day, Mothers' Day, etc. ) and for NO reason. At least once a week he would stop somewhere and pick up a bouquet for me...and I guess I got used to it and miss it now that he's gone. And so, I treat myself whenever there aren't enough blooms in my garden to fill a vase. Usually I get tulips or any other spring flowers I can find because they are my favorites but, this week, these spray roses caught my eye. They aren't usually anywhere near this big. They are so pretty and I put them in a vintage Red Wing vase that I got from a sweet woman in our church many years ago. The only thing that could be better is if they smelled as good as the old roses used to.

I actually started my vacuuming before coming here and the vacuum clogged up so I am now off to take care of that and then you know what I'll be doing the rest of the day-or at least what I "should" be doing. LOL Stay safe and stay tuned.

Friday, January 31, 2025

It's "Fri-Yay" Again!

 It is Fri-yay once again and, once again I am avoiding the rest of the vacuuming. Friday just doesn't seem like the day to be doing that-it is the day to celebrate making it to the end of the week. Yes, I know I'm not there yet but it is just beautiful outside and the last thing I want to do today is clean and so...

I ran some errands yesterday and one of them included a stop at Walmart-not one of my favorite places but sometimes a necessity because they have things I would have to go so much farther away to find. And, I must say that the store closest to me has kind of "kicked it up a notch". They are the store that had the most negative comments on the website for our county. I don't know if that had anything to do with the change but, it is so clean and organized now and, both times I had to ask an associate where something might be, they not only looked it up but they took me right to it...can't ask for better service than that.

In any case, I had seen a few things in other blogs that I was hoping to find and while doing that, I happened upon this little cutie.

And, it spoke to me. My first thought was for something for St. Pat's-because I should be DONE with Valentine's Day-because I use a lot of the old gold in my St. Pat's decor. But then I realized how "romantic" the frame looks and thought it would be perfect for an idea I has seen and wanted to try. This frame is actually metal so I can probably easily swap out pictures for different holidays if I want.

The little flower wreath that I saw (from The Vintage Pebble) was so simple and all it took was a piece of paper ( I used watercolor paper ), a marker, some acrylic paint and lots of patience because the flowers took some time to dry between colors. I started by cutting a heart that would fit within the frame. I actually love the arched mat so I'm keeping it in case it will work for the next image I put in this. I lightly traced the heart and then came back over it with the marker and then added some lines and leaves.

Next went the light pink flowers and when they were dry, the darker pink. They were both added by using the eraser end of a pencil dipped in the paint.

I wanted mine a little simpler than the inspiration so I just added the flower middles in metallic old gold-which I thought went better than a bright yellow-and a few areas of small "dripping dots" of light pink. Those were all added using the ends of small paint brushes.

Of course, there is now more waiting for those dots to dry. They take longer than you would think because the dots are pretty thick with paint. I was afraid to hit them with my heat gun because I have seen that gun actually blow paint across a surface...and so, I waited. But, I headed outside to do that and see what damage I would have to contend with after our chilly temperatures.

The only things I actually covered this year were my potted lemon tree and other potted things I left outside, small bushes and the roots to the bougainvillea and sky vine. The sky vine definitely took a hit but only the leaves. It will definitely come back-probably better than this year-but all I can think about is the massive amount of large leaves that will have to fall before new growth can happen. Of course, that can't compare to the HUGE number of oak leaves that will do the same but, for some reason, these large leaves give me pause...they are more difficult to rake up than the smaller oak leaves.

Then I headed over to the terraced garden by the pool. The perennials in there always take a hit. They will come back and I know I need to keep my distance right now but, when the weather is this beautiful and I want to be out there, this sight makes me, no promises. Everyone always says you can't kill a Penta plant-which is a lot of what is in here-but, I cut them back too early one year and I DID kill them. So, I will think about it a bit more. Hmmm.

Somewhere amidst all of that "brown" my eye caught a glimpse of some color and this little cutie was showing winter just what she thought of it. Lol

And a few other things are already wanting to come back. I have a lot of gerberas blooming around the yard as well as azaleas.

And right about then I caught a whiff of that most glorious scent and realized that all of the tea olives are about ready to burst into full bloom once again. I have so many of these scattered around my yard that when they bloom, the scent is intoxicating! 

At this point the paint was dry and I simply added the word "love" with a thin marker and headed off to see where it would find a home. Maybe here? The only thing that I like here is that the top of the frame kind of mimics the bottom of the candle holder.

Not crazy about this at all but it might be slightly better than the first because there are more colors here than just the deep reds in the living room vignette.

I definitely think this is the best place because I love the way the golds play together. The only problem here is that the back of the frame isn't all that attractive-although it is better than some-and you do see it from the other side of the room. Never-the-less, here is where it will stay for a bit.

I grabbed a few other things while I was out. I have used these "peat" pots before and I think I might "vintage" some up for St. Pat's and Easter. We shall see.

And then I found the green jug I was looking for and some shamrocks. I won't be using them like this because I don't like seeing the stems through the glass but I love anything green for so many different seasons/holidays that I knew I had to have the jug when I saw someone post about it. You will definitely see it in my home a lot. And, I can always find a use for those shamrocks so I grabbed them while they were available. As a matter of fact, I will probably grab more if I see them because I'm already thinking of lots of uses. Lol

And yes, you can shake your head at this one. This is the packing that my Yankee candles arrived in and for some reason, the bottoms reminded me of Easter baskets. So, before I threw them into the recycling, I thought I might play with them and see what I come up with. We shall see. Lol

Off for lunch and then the afternoon lies before me. Not sure which direction I will go but since it's a Friday, I know I will enjoy it! Stay safe and stay tuned.